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Unit 6 Forest 森林
Objective 目标
1.Understand the physical characteristics of Utah's forests.
2.Describe the common plants and animals found in Utah forests and how these organisms have adapted to the environment in which they live.
6.1 Forest 森林
A habitat that is filled with trees and is at a high elevation. Forests give us oxygen.

Elevation:Elevation determines how high or low a habitat is.

6.2 Coniferous Forest & Deciduous Forest​   针叶林和落叶林

Coniferous Forest 针叶林: A forest that has trees that stay green all year long and grow needles.

Deciduous Forest落叶林: A Forest that has trees with leaves that change color and fall off in the winter.

6.3 Adaptation 适应


Adaptation适应:Living organisms that change in order to survive in their habitat.

1. During the winter, they hibernate to remain safe. Hibernation means an inactive sleep-like state during the winter
Cottontail Rabbit
1. Gets close to ground and blend into surroundings when there is no hiding place available.
2. Runs up to 30 mph in a zigzag motion and kicks to defend itself.
Red Fox
1. They can use their bushy tails as a blanket to keep warm.
2. The red fox can hear small animals digging underground and will frequently dig in the dirt or snow to catch prey .
Utah Juniper
1. During a drought, junipers can self-prune, shutting off water flow to one or more of their branches in order to conserve enough water for the rest of the tree to survive.
1. Fir adapts by growing tall enough to reach more sunlight, which provides it with the food and warmth it needs to survive.
Are you ready for the unit test?
1. What do these words mean? Adaptation, deciduous, coniferous, hibernation, and elevation.
2. Write down one forest animal and its adaptation.
3. Write down one forest plant and its adaptation.
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